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NTS Facilitation

Mental Health Workshops for the Public

      Suicide Prevention (QPR)         Mental Health & Substance Misuse         De-escalation        MHFA Day-Long Training

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Tracie Bernstein is a skilled facilitator with extensive experience providing collaborative, supportive and productive spaces for skill-building around mental wellness and spiritual health. Tracie is a certified Suicide Prevention (QPR) and Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) instructor. She offers these courses and others both in-person and online to institutions, schools, first responders, campuses and communities. Recently, Tracie partnered with Fayette FACTOR to help create 6 day-long Mental Health and Faith Summits for community leaders throughout Georgia.


     * Suicide Prevention (QPR) 

     *  Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) instructor.

Start the Conversation Now. Book a Workshop Today

"All people have a role to play. With support and early intervention, mental health is not only
possible, but likely."


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for Adults  An evidence-based program with more than 4 million trained "Mental Health First Aiders" in the United States. MHFA teaches community members how to identify, understand and respond appropriately to individuals who may be experiencing mental distress or substance misuse. The 7.5 hour course effectively trains people to provide initial help utilizing best practices, and offer support as needed to obtain professional medical or mental health assistance. CE credits are available.

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Suicide Prevention (QPR) for Adults  Teaches community members how to respond to people in crisis experiencing suicidal ideation or attempted suicide. The Question      Persuade      Refer training provides trainees the tools to help save lives by responding quickly and appropriately, and referring to appropriate professional supports.

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Mental Health and Substance Misuse Skill Building  A 2-hour workshop for non-mental health professionals that teaches guidelines for mental health, substance misuse and mental wellness, as well as Do's and Don'ts for  confronting people in potential distress.
De-escalation Workshop is a 2-hour workshop that emphasizes skill-building around listening and actively defusing heated environments. Attendees learn how to shift the baseline emphasis from being "right" to respecting other people, despite perceived differences or even diametrically opposed perspectives. This new paradigm creates shared space among people who are not defined by one issue or ideology, and builds the "muscle" for listening.


     Parents         Teachers        Business owners         Coaches                           1st responders         Students         Clergy
Anyone who may encounter a person in mental health distress.

When    Where    How

  • Tracie provides facilitation for both virtual and in-person workshops, conferences and retreats in North America.


  • Consultation includes advanced development of the program/agenda & goals, day-of implementation  and evaluation, and a comprehensive follow up report.


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